Useful contact information for local services |
Number |
NHS 24 |
111 |
Johnstone Health Centre Clinic Reception |
01505 821300 |
Linwood Health Centre Clinic Reception |
01505 821400 |
Family Planning: Johnstone Health Centre Clinic Reception |
01505 821300 |
Family Planning: Sandyford Central |
0141 211 3130 |
Johnstone Police Office |
101 |
Social Work Department: Johnstone |
0300 300 1199 |
Social Work Department: Linwood |
0141 842 5151 |
Royal Alexandra Hospital |
0141 887 9111 |
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital |
0141 201 1100 |
Dykebar Hospital |
0141 884 5122 |
The Age Scotland Helpline |
0800 12 44 222 |
Alcoholics Anonymous Glasgow |
0141 226 2214 |
Alzheimer Scotland (Glasgow) |
0141 418 3930 |
Alzheimer Scotland (Paisley) |
0141 887 1289 |
Childline Scotland |
0800 1111 |
Care Information Scotland |
0800 011 3200 |
Citizens Advice Bureau Glasgow |
0141 552 5556 |
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland |
0845 600 2227 |
Dial-a-Bus |
0845 128 4025 |
Domestic Abuse Helpline - Freephone 24hrs |
0808 2000 247 |
Renfrewshire Community Mental Health |
0141 842 3400 |
Family Mediation |
0345 119 2020 |